The first electronic computer was designed and built at the “University of Pennsylvania” on vacuum tube technology .
Vacuum tubes were used to perform. Logic operations and store data.
A generation refers to the stat of improvement or adding new featuresand upgrade of  computer technology. With each new generation computer gotten better, smaller and Faster. Then before generation’s .
It has been divided in to “ FIVE GENRATIONS ”

Ø 1 GENERATION:  1940 to 1956

Ø 2  GENERATION: 1956 to 1963

Ø 3 GENERATION: 1964 to 1971

Ø 4 GENERATION: 1971 to Present

Ø 5 GENERATION: Present and Beyond


·        During The Period of 1940 to 1956 first generation of computer’s were developed.
·        The Computer use Vacuum Tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.
·        The vacuum tube was developed by Lee De Forest. A vacuum tube is a device generally used to amplify a signal by controlling the movement of electrons in an evacuated space.
·        These Computer were very expensive to operate
·        Need more electricity
·        It’s generates a lot of heat
·        First generation computer relied on machine language, the lowest level programing language, understood bycomputer to perform operation’s and they could only solve one problem at a time.
·        Input was based on punched cards and paper tape.
·        Output was displayed on Printouts.
·        Hard to program and use
The UNIVAC and ENIAC computer are the examples of  first generation computer devise. The UNIVAC was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S census bureau in 1951

·       UNIVAC 
Universal automatic computer
·       ENIAC
Was the earliest electronic general purpose computers it was complet, Digital and able to solve “ a large class of numerical problems ”
Its weighed 30 tons contained 18,000 vacuum tubesit’s cost was $487,000.


·        During The Period of 1956 to 1963

·        The world see transistors replace by vacuum tubes in. The 2nd generation of computer’s. The transistor was invented at bell lab’s
·        The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tubes, 
·        Allowing computer to be smallerfastercheaper, more energy efficient and more reliable then the first generation
·        It has a printer some sort of type or stored programs  and some sort of different memory.
·        Featured boards filled with transistors and magnetic memory cores.
·        Use of transistors give the free flow the electricity
·        It’s used in business, universities, and government
·        In these computers we use assembler language or high level program which give instruction in words mean it us program which translate

·        word in to machine language by “ COBOL and FORTON ”
·        These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory, which
moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.


·        During the period of 1964 to 1971
·        In this generation they used
Integrated circuit was the hellmark of 3rd generation
·        Transistors were constructed in small size.
And placed on silicon chips called semiconductors, which increased the speed and efficiency of computer

·        Input and output were change in this generation instead of punch card and print out first time they use keyboard and monitors.
·        First time become accessible to public


·        During the Period of 1971 to present
·        In 4th generation we using microprocessors
·        Thousand’s of mixed circuits were built into a single silicon chip.
·        Now entire room can fit in the palm of hand which process was failed in 1st generation

·        It is fastereasy to use and more power full then other old generations
·        In 1971, THE INTEL developed 4004 chip located in computer “ CPU ” and memory input / output controls on a single chip
·        In 1981 “IBM” introduced it’s first computer for the home user.
·        After that “APPLE” introduced Macintosh in 1984.
·        Microprocessor also moved out and become more power full, advanced .
·        They started to linked together to form network“ Which is the start or development of internet ” .
·        Input also upgraded now keyboard, mouseetc are input device
·        Though there are some of application are voice recognition in use of to day
·        The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality.

·    CPU
·        Central processing unit the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program


·        Present and beyond
·        5th generation is based on Artificial intelligence are still in development .
·        Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of computer in next years
·        Goal of the 5th generation of computer is development of a device that respond the natural
·        language input and capable of learning and self organization

·        In the parallel processing all the application working in the same time and to reduce the time
·        Device that perceives its environment and takes actions developed and upgrade itself
·        Complete task by Artificial intelligence
·        A machine that can work, like humans

Thank you “ END ”


v  As a result of the various improvements to the development of the computer we have seen the  computer being used in all areas of life. It is a very useful tool that will continue to experience new development as time passes.
v  Computers are used in various areas of our life. Education, entertainment, sports, advertising, medicine, science and engineering, government, office and home are some of the application areas of the computers.


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